Specifications and Guarantees
Specification Guides
In the late 1980’s, AGMCA began its participation with Construction Specifications Canada (CSC), to assist in the development of a Glass & Glazing Tech-Aid Guide.
A Tech-Aid Guide helps Specifiers, Designers and Consultants on matters related to a specific area of work to ensure all parties are talking the same language.
CSC has since developed other Tech-Aide Guides, including Automatic Entrance Doors and Glazed Curtain Walls.
Stand Form Of Guarantee
The AGMCA was the Industry’s catalyst in putting forth a fair and equitable Standard of Guarantee covering workmanship and installation. After consulting with Industry leaders from Ontario’s Building and Consulting Sectors, a Standard Form of Guarantee for a period of one (1) year was established and has been widely in use for some two (2) decades.
A copy of this Standard Form of Guarantee may be requested by contacting the AGMCA office.